Our Solutions For Your Applications

Capsules/Soft-Gelatin/Oral solid dosages
Capsules are solid oral dosage forms, wherein the API and excipient blend or ‘fill’ is placed in a hard gelatin capsule shell. Similar to tablets, they are very commonly used.
Uniformity of dosage units
Uniformity of dosage units
Weight/Thickness/Width/Length measurements
Disintegration Testing
Bath Disintegration Testing
Bathless Disintegration Testing
Dissolution Testing
Bathless Dissolution (Apparatus 1,2)
Veritas Manual
- Veritas 8 Basic
- Veritas 8 with Manual syringe sampling
- Veritas 14 Basic
- Veritas 14 with Manual syringe sampling
Veritas Automatic
TrustE Manual
- TrustE 8 Basic
- TrustE 8 with manual syringe sampling
- TrustE 14 Basic
- TrustE 14 with manual syringe sampling
TrustE Automatic
Bath Dissolution (USP Apparatus 1,2)
Inspire manual
- Inspire 8 Basic
- Inspire 8 with manual syringe sampling
- Inspire 14 Basic
- Inspire 14 with manual syringe sampling