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Introduction  Dissoflux is patented technology that enables the investigation of both dissolution and permeability of the drug in the finished dosage form. It has a potential  to serve  as a critical R & D tool which aids formulation development by rank ordering...
Content uniformity sample preparator – Xtractor

Content uniformity sample preparator – Xtractor

Introduction  Xtractor with cutting edge technology which will significantly reduce human intervention and automate sample preparation for content uniformity It is fast and efficient sample preparator for content uniformity samples.Clean and compact bench top design...
Tablet Hardness Tester (EH-01A)

Tablet Hardness Tester (EH-01A)

Introduction  You may be looking to get a Tablet Hardness tester to measure the hardness of Tablets and help you develop your formula of the perfect Tablet hardness. The Tablet hardness tester EH-01A can help you with this and more, as this tester includes many...