As a researcher in the life sciences space, you can’t measure everything as a project winds its way through the R&D process. With the data that is being generated, you’re expected to make informed decisions as quickly as possible. A wrong one sets you back severely, both in terms of time, money, and getting to market. Now, more than ever, it is important to consider incorporating new technology across your company – like PBPK & PBBM modeling.
GastroPlus is a mechanistically based simulation software package that simulates intravenous, oral, oral cavity, ocular, inhalation, dermal, subcutaneous, and intramuscular absorption, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics in humans and animals.
What if it were possible to:
- Integrate the data which has been collected and, within the context of a virtual animal or human model, gain unique insights that improve your chances for success?
- Run simulations for different scenarios to avoid costly surprises?
- Utilize the outputs from these models to potentially waive expensive studies requested by regulatory agencies?